Paper accepted in Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Svenja Agethen's paper on the effect of redox dynamics in the rhizosphere on methane emissions in rewetted peatlands was accepted ...

by Carolin Annette Stephanie Schramm

Svenja Agethen's paper on the effect of redox dynamics in the rhizosphere on methane emissions in rewetted peatlands was accepted in Soil Biology and Biochemistry. This work was led by the group of external pageKlaus-​Holger Knorr at the University of Münster and involved some of the electrochemical analyses techniques developed in the Sander group at ETHZ.

Agethen, S., M. Sander, C. Waldemer, K.-H. Knorr. Plant rhizosphere oxidation reduces methane production and emission in rewetted peatlands. Soil Biology Biochemistry, 2018, 125, 125-​135; DOI: external page10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.07.006

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