Paper accepted in Environ Sci Technol

Nicolas' second paper on the redox properties of peat dissolved organic matter just got published in ES&T.

by Carolin Annette Stephanie Schramm

Nicolas' second paper on the redox properties of peat dissolved organic matter just got published in ES&T. In this work, Nicolas used a flow injection analysis system coupled to electrochemical detection to demonstrate that peat DOM contains both electron accepting quinones and electron donating phenols. He further showed that oxidative processes, occuring either in peatlands or in the laboratory, result in an irreversible loss of electron donating phenols. Finally, Nicolas showed reversible electron transfer to and from electron accepting quinones in DOM, a process that was previously demonstrated only for model DOM isolates.

For our research group, this paper is 'unique' in that it is the first that heavily draws on samples that we collected in field campaigns in ombrotrophic bogs in Värmland Sweden. So, we no longer are just 'lab-​rats' :).

Walpen, N., G. Getzinger, M. Schroth, M. Sander. Electron-​donating Phenolic and Electron-​accepting Quinone Moieties in Peat Dissolved Organic Matter: Quantities and Redox Transformations in the Context of Peat Biogeochemistry. Environ Sci Technol, 2018, 52, 5236-​5245; DOI: external page10.1021/acs.est.8b00594

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